Friday, January 22, 2010

DAY 4 - Vampire Envy

Tonight I am sharing a poem I wrote awhile ago, before the vampire craze was "hot" again.
I say again, because for most of my life vampires like certain types of fashion trends come back again and again. Great for me because I love them. Creatively speaking I love the romantisized idea of their life, maybe life is not the right word, since they are dead, but it would be nice to be able to have an eternity to master many artforms, speak numerous languages and see the entire world throughout history. Pretty cool. Not so crazy about the bloodsucking part. I prefer red wine over blood with a side of pasta.

I remembered this poem I wrote and wanted to share it with all my True Blood and Twilight friends.

1 comment:

  1. "I prefer red wine over blood with a side of pasta." Cute! :) I share your preference. ...Liked that poem you wrote. Your creative talents extend far beyond the canvas. -Marcia
